
Tiny Star
What was that thing I have been looking for? No, I don't know, no I cannot recall. I can't find at all, such a dear thing; Loved it so, but why? Such a precious thing. Mirrored worlds made of bouncing words.

Current Finished Games ( & Thoughts! )
      ( Probably ) Not Spoiler Free !!!

[9/10] My second big name otome game :] To be honest I went into this game not knowing what to expect from the love interests, but I definitely ended up liking them all a lot more I thought I would (especially Kent and Ikki . . .) The gameplay was definitely a little scary (what do you mean I have a suspicion and trust meter. what) at first though I do think it was kinda cool and fun to figure out how to respond to each character. Like I'm not usually a self insert type when playing these types of games but it helped me to kinda get into the heroines shoes (she's my wife btw. shes literally soooo cute I wish she had a canon name tho . sigh) I think Orion was a really fun sidekick / helper character as well he's kinda like my son :] His comments and genuine concern for the heroine was so sweet and I just really liked his dialogue and personality. Anyways. super awesome game and while it is a bit hard to get certain endings without a guide I would recommend it highly :]
[10/10] My very first more "traditional" big name otome game (aka not some gacha mobage I first played when I was 13 lol. or hatobf . . . it's just not the same okay). This game was honestly suuuuper defining for me as the art was so pretty and the over arching mystery and plot were very up my alley as the resident mystery genre lover :] While the characters were super memorable I'm not gonna lie, I was way more invested in what was going on with all the murders and the secrets of Adonis than I was anything else (aside from Takeru maybe. I'm the world's biggest Takeru Sasazuka fan after all !!!) Shout out to my wife Sakuragawa though she's so pretty and she literally wanted Ichika to be her wife. cruel world that doesn't let me kiss her . . .
[10/10] My introduction to otome games (thanks mom lol). This is a game that I'd honestly recommend to anyone even if they think they don't like visual novels or romance and whatnot cause it just has such clever storytelling and the characters are all so likeable (yes, even though they're birds, that's part of the charm !!!). While it starts out as a jokey / lighthearted game I will say that it touches on some pretty serious subjects and the "true" route is very nicely done :] I sobbed my eyes out a total of like. 5 times minimum ?? Multiple times on the true route and once because of Nageki's ending . . . stares off into the distance. This game has irreverisbly changed my life for the better and for the worse. Please consider playing it you just gotta trust me I only play peak games after all !!
[9/10] The first of the MO series !!! It's a very wonderful game and I have really fond memories of playing it to be quite honest. The art is very cute and fluffy feeling and the characters were all very wonderful !! It's probably one of my favorite indie otome games out there (the whole series is my favorite to be quite honest. I'm a very big batensan fan hehe) The world is very interesting and it get expanded on in the later games (particularly MO Iris, my personal Most favorite of the games) Also two of the three love interests are Ciel's childhood friends / knights so :] that's awesome (the childhood friend trope enjoyer)
[9/10] The second of the MO series !!! This is a very quick game, and kinda less of an otoge and more of just a really awesome picture book with some vague inconsequential choices (if I remember correctly anyways, it's been a while after all) The story was very bittersweet and I think I cried quite a bit after playing it lmao. The character cast is very small and there's only One dude to romance (cause as I've said it's not a very traditional "otome") but they're all very neat and I remember them fondly :thumbs up emoji:
[10/10] The third of the MO series !!! My personal favorite of the games currently out :] The characters are SO amazing I remember liking them all so very much, as there are romanceables and also cute friendship routes :D The world building and the way that the stories all painted a really big picture was also very well done and interesting I think, I love the concept of there being different "worlds" based on months of the year it's very awesome and cool and yeah :]]] I don't have much to say about the game to be honest but I definitely think it's a very good starting otome and it's at a very good price as well ($20 !!!!) I'm very excited for future installments and the like :D
[9/10] Very solid game I believe, to be honest I was really in it for the art at first (I mean !! c'mon they're so pretty I love Riri's artstyle) but I did grow to enjoy the characters I think . . . ? I think each route was very good at showing that even though the love interests are nice and sweet to Lili on their own routes, they're still "bad" guys as part of the mafia. like they're not normal y'know ? Especially Dante for me. honestly I still don't like him very much after seeing Orlok's tragic end LMAO . also his route was very bland and felt forced but you didn't hear that from me (sorry if there are Dante lovers here. come pick up your man or something) I will say that Orlok had his fair share of What The Fuck moments in the other routes though lol. Aside from the characters though I really enjoyed the soundtrack, it was very fitting for the game and it was just SO awesome. I'd get more into it but then this would turn into a music theory lesson lmao !! Anyways, Piofiore was a good game overall but I don't think it's my favorite ever or anything.
[9.5/10] Very good game overall, more story focused than romance focused, but that's also generally what I prefer in my games if you haven't sensed a trend in what I've been writing in all these reviews lmao. The UI was a bit confusing at first (flowchart . . . ?) but it wasn't too hard to figure out (only took me getting like. one or two endings before it clicked and I was like oh !! duh okay) and the butterfly shooting minigame was super fun :] I am pretty good at it if I do say so myself :thumbs up emoji: Anyways I went into this game thinking that it was gonna be very interesting and it was but Also. The Horrors. I cried SO much playing this holy fuck does it mess with your emotions (but also that might just be a me thing. cause I'm a SUCKER for sad siblings and the like. ouuuu) Also the relationships between all the characters was lowkey an obvious reveal To Me but I still enjoyed it as I am the Trope Enjoyer. once again :thumbs up emoji: I am still so sad.
[9/10] Related to Black Butterfly but also technically it's own standalone game . . . though I'd seriously recommend playing Black Butterfly first cause like. there are so many little references to it and it will make you go CRAZY (it's me. I'm crazy) While I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one (mainly cause I wasn't fond of the historical like setting . . .) the story and the characters were honestly amazing. The map kinda confused me more than Black Butterfly's flowchart so I ended up probably Not doing the story the way I should have (I was supposed to get the clue . . . ???? helppp) However I really liked how it kinda made everyone in the game fucking Suck in some way or another but still like. explain their motivations for performing said actions in a way that didn't call for you to "forgive" them and stuff if that makes any sense lol. Overall a very very good and solid game I think it might have made me feel more upset and cry more than Black Butterfly did . . .
[10/10] Since this game is technically split into four parts (Episodes 1-3 and then the Epilogue) I will talk about them each individually :] Mainly so I can ramble about them though as it's currently my favorite game as of writing this [02/13/24] !!

EPISODE I - This episode is honestly Very lighthearted compared to how the later three are . . . I went into this episode expecting to like Red Riding Hood and to not like Cinderella much (as I usually don't like Cinderella's types . . . lmao) but my expectations were honestly completely flipped on it's head and I'm now a proud Cinderella enjoyer !! He's very sweet to Arisu (my wife. btw) and I really enjoyed their dynamic with one another (Arisu has the pants in the the relationship btw. lol) and while I didn't necessarily enjoy Red's romance with her I will say that his story was very interesting and I was not disappointed by how it ended :]

EPISODE II - This episode, was INSANELY good. I didn't think I'd like either Kaguya or Gretel because of how both of their routes started but holy crap was I wrong. I've come out as an enjoyer of both lmao. Their routes tackle some pretty dark topics but I really liked how they didn't shy away from them and really came out and made them important parts of the story as it really gave both Kaguya and Gretel nuance as characters in my opinion . . .

EPISODE III - PROBABLY MY FAVORITE EPISODE OF THEM SO FAR . . . The absolute INSANITY this episode brought to the table. Snow White and the Wizard honestly seem like the most innocent and chill characters of the cast (esp seeing their appearances in the others' routes) but holy fuck that couldn't be more wrong. veryvery heavy and honestly horrific topics discussed in this episode, lot's of things that were hinted at in previous episodes are also revealed to be true (or at least stuff I picked up on) and it just completely left me wanting more and more from the characters.

EPILOGUE - Literally my most favorite of all the episodes. As the ending of the game (series ? hm. what would you even call it) it wraps up everything we know from the previous episodes very well as well as adding to what we know creating this insane explanation for everything that happened in the previous episodes in a way that while it feels absurd it's honestly plausible enough (also it's a video game. have fun and let things happen y'know ?) Honestly the way the story unfolds makes me incredibly sick and like . it's just so crazy how much I care for the story and the characters LMAO. One of the greatest games I've ever played forever. okay ? Live love laugh Yurika Arisu forever :heart hands emoji:

[10/10] Fandisk for the original game :] There are multiple sections of it so I'll be talking about them seperately once again !!

AFTER STORIES - I greatly enjoyed all the afterstories to be quite honest, while they were pretty short (about like ? 45mins to an hour depending on how fast I would read and stuff if I remember correctly) I think it was a really cute glimpse into their lives after what happened in their respective episodes and it was just nice to see them happy :] I will say I wish that Alistair himself had had some sort of after story and not just Alice since I'd really like to know what happened with him and the real Arisu, though I think not having an after story is fine too cause it leaves the real ending open to interpretations and the like :thumbs up emoji: over all I definitely enjoyed reading about the sillies :D

RYOUSHI & WOOLFE - Oh boy were these really, really good routes. They're not necessarily romantic or anything (as there really is One choice for Arisu and that will always be Alistair for better or for worse. the pain of being a Woolfe lover augh. and Ryoushi is her brother that'd be pretty weird lmao.) so I really liked how we got to see what was happening in the real world from both of their eyes since they were important people to both Alistair and Arisu and their story as a whole.

SCHOOL MODE - This was a really fun mode !! I generally enjoyed how each characters "routes" were set up aside from the teachers, though that's probably because I'm personally not a fan of the student x teacher trope . . . it's very icky to me to be honest. Which is why I was very disappointed when I realized Cinderella was a teacher LMAO (they did him SO wrong in my opinion I shed tears over how creepy they wrote him to be . . . waaahhh) otherwise it was a silly take on everyone's character / relationships so I enjoyed it mostly :thumbs up emoji: I think I liked Alice and Snow White's little routes the most, as Alice's was very funny and silly with his tsundere-ness and then they really brought out Snow White's playful and teasing nature as well :]

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