Hello and welcome to my otome game page !! This is where I basically sum up my thoughts on all the otoges I've ever played :D Won't be spoiler free so please proceed with caution if you plan on playing any of the games here !!
[10/10] Since this game is technically split into four parts (Episodes 1-3 and then the Epilogue) I will talk about them each individually :] Mainly so I can ramble about them though as it's currently my favorite game as of writing this [02/13/24] !!
EPISODE I - This episode is honestly Very lighthearted compared to how the later three are . . . I went into this episode expecting to like Red Riding Hood and to not like Cinderella much (as I usually don't like Cinderella's types . . . lmao) but my expectations were honestly completely flipped on it's head and I'm now a proud Cinderella enjoyer !! He's very sweet to Arisu (my wife. btw) and I really enjoyed their dynamic with one another (Arisu has the pants in the the relationship btw. lol) and while I didn't necessarily enjoy Red's romance with her I will say that his story was very interesting and I was not disappointed by how it ended :]
EPISODE II - This episode, was INSANELY good. I didn't think I'd like either Kaguya or Gretel because of how both of their routes started but holy crap was I wrong. I've come out as an enjoyer of both lmao. Their routes tackle some pretty dark topics but I really liked how they didn't shy away from them and really came out and made them important parts of the story as it really gave both Kaguya and Gretel nuance as characters in my opinion . . .
EPISODE III - PROBABLY MY FAVORITE EPISODE OF THEM SO FAR . . . The absolute INSANITY this episode brought to the table. Snow White and the Wizard honestly seem like the most innocent and chill characters of the cast (esp seeing their appearances in the others' routes) but holy fuck that couldn't be more wrong. veryvery heavy and honestly horrific topics discussed in this episode, lot's of things that were hinted at in previous episodes are also revealed to be true (or at least stuff I picked up on) and it just completely left me wanting more and more from the characters.
EPILOGUE - Literally my most favorite of all the episodes. As the ending of the game (series ? hm. what would you even call it) it wraps up everything we know from the previous episodes very well as well as adding to what we know creating this insane explanation for everything that happened in the previous episodes in a way that while it feels absurd it's honestly plausible enough (also it's a video game. have fun and let things happen y'know ?) Honestly the way the story unfolds makes me incredibly sick and like . it's just so crazy how much I care for the story and the characters LMAO. One of the greatest games I've ever played forever. okay ? Live love laugh Yurika Arisu forever :heart hands emoji:
Currently Playing
- Lovebrush
- Jack Jeanne