Tiny Star

Hello and welcome to my otome game page !! This is where I basically sum up my thoughts on all the otoges I've ever played :D Won't be spoiler free so please proceed with caution if you plan on playing any of the games here !!

  1. Amnesia: Memories
  2. Collar x Malice
  3. Hatoful Boyfriend
  4. Moon Observatory Ciel
  5. Moon Observatory Anholly
  6. Moon Observatory Iris
  7. Piofiore: Fated Memories
  8. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
  9. Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk

[9.5/10] Very good game overall, more story focused than romance focused, but that's also generally what I prefer in my games if you haven't sensed a trend in what I've been writing in all these reviews lmao. The UI was a bit confusing at first (flowchart . . . ?) but it wasn't too hard to figure out (only took me getting like. one or two endings before it clicked and I was like oh !! duh okay) and the butterfly shooting minigame was super fun :] I am pretty good at it if I do say so myself :thumbs up emoji: Anyways I went into this game thinking that it was gonna be very interesting and it was but Also. The Horrors. I cried SO much playing this holy fuck does it mess with your emotions (but also that might just be a me thing. cause I'm a SUCKER for sad siblings and the like. ouuuu) Also the relationships between all the characters was lowkey an obvious reveal To Me but I still enjoyed it as I am the Trope Enjoyer. once again :thumbs up emoji: I am still so sad.

Currently Playing

  • Lovebrush
  • Jack Jeanne



  • CxM Unlimited
  • Episodio 1926
  • Later x Crowd
  • Code: Realize
  • Norn9
  • Virche Evermore
  • From Madness with Love
  • Variable Barricade
  • Ozmafia!!
  • 7'scarlet
  • Cinderella Phenomenom
  • Charade Maniacs
  • even if TEMPEST
  • Olympia Soiree
  • Lover Pretend
  • Sympathy Kiss
  • Nameless
  • Nightshade
  • Hakuoki
  • London Detective Mysteria
  • Radiant Tale
  • Bustafellows
  • Wishlist

  • 9RIP
  • Hanakare
  • Dairoku
  • DesperaDrops
  • Dandelion
  • Winter's Wish
  • Paradigm Paradox
  • Spiral Memoria
  • Tengoku Struggle
  • Tears hidden behind the rain, days flung bare by time, thorns of grief clustered in the heart. They seep into the wounds, we learn of pain, we sense the profound longing. Lasting as if for an instant, for an eternity, tonight, we bid farewell...