Tiny Star

Hello and welcome to my otome game page !! This is where I basically sum up my thoughts on all the otoges I've ever played :D Won't be spoiler free so please proceed with caution if you plan on playing any of the games here !!

  1. Amnesia: Memories
  2. Collar x Malice
  3. Hatoful Boyfriend
  4. Moon Observatory Ciel
  5. Moon Observatory Anholly
  6. Moon Observatory Iris
  7. Piofiore: Fated Memories
  8. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
  9. Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk

[9/10] Related to Black Butterfly but also technically it's own standalone game . . . though I'd seriously recommend playing Black Butterfly first cause like. there are so many little references to it and it will make you go CRAZY (it's me. I'm crazy) While I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one (mainly cause I wasn't fond of the historical like setting . . .) the story and the characters were honestly amazing. The map kinda confused me more than Black Butterfly's flowchart so I ended up probably Not doing the story the way I should have (I was supposed to get the clue . . . ???? helppp) However I really liked how it kinda made everyone in the game fucking Suck in some way or another but still like. explain their motivations for performing said actions in a way that didn't call for you to "forgive" them and stuff if that makes any sense lol. Overall a very very good and solid game I think it might have made me feel more upset and cry more than Black Butterfly did . . .

Currently Playing

  • Lovebrush
  • Jack Jeanne



  • CxM Unlimited
  • Episodio 1926
  • Later x Crowd
  • Code: Realize
  • Norn9
  • Virche Evermore
  • From Madness with Love
  • Variable Barricade
  • Ozmafia!!
  • 7'scarlet
  • Cinderella Phenomenom
  • Charade Maniacs
  • even if TEMPEST
  • Olympia Soiree
  • Lover Pretend
  • Sympathy Kiss
  • Nameless
  • Nightshade
  • Hakuoki
  • London Detective Mysteria
  • Radiant Tale
  • Bustafellows
  • Wishlist

  • 9RIP
  • Hanakare
  • Dairoku
  • DesperaDrops
  • Dandelion
  • Winter's Wish
  • Paradigm Paradox
  • Spiral Memoria
  • Tengoku Struggle
  • Let that love be dedicated to those days when they desperately, desperately, desperately wished those smiles last forever.