Tiny Star

Hello and welcome to my otome game page !! This is where I basically sum up my thoughts on all the otoges I've ever played :D Won't be spoiler free so please proceed with caution if you plan on playing any of the games here !!

  1. Amnesia: Memories
  2. Collar x Malice
  3. Hatoful Boyfriend
  4. Moon Observatory Ciel
  5. Moon Observatory Anholly
  6. Moon Observatory Iris
  7. Piofiore: Fated Memories
  8. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
  9. Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk

[10/10] My very first more "traditional" big name otome game (aka not some gacha mobage I first played when I was 13 lol. or hatobf . . . it's just not the same okay). This game was honestly suuuuper defining for me as the art was so pretty and the over arching mystery and plot were very up my alley as the resident mystery genre lover :] While the characters were super memorable I'm not gonna lie, I was way more invested in what was going on with all the murders and the secrets of Adonis than I was anything else (aside from Takeru maybe. I'm the world's biggest Takeru Sasazuka fan after all !!!) Shout out to my wife Sakuragawa though she's so pretty and she literally wanted Ichika to be her wife. cruel world that doesn't let me kiss her . . .

Currently Playing

  • Lovebrush
  • Jack Jeanne



  • CxM Unlimited
  • Episodio 1926
  • Later x Crowd
  • Code: Realize
  • Norn9
  • Virche Evermore
  • From Madness with Love
  • Variable Barricade
  • Ozmafia!!
  • 7'scarlet
  • Cinderella Phenomenom
  • Charade Maniacs
  • even if TEMPEST
  • Olympia Soiree
  • Lover Pretend
  • Sympathy Kiss
  • Nameless
  • Nightshade
  • Hakuoki
  • London Detective Mysteria
  • Radiant Tale
  • Bustafellows
  • Wishlist

  • 9RIP
  • Hanakare
  • Dairoku
  • DesperaDrops
  • Dandelion
  • Winter's Wish
  • Paradigm Paradox
  • Spiral Memoria
  • Tengoku Struggle
  • When crows dance high in the sky, they look like black angels but when they silently hum it just seems silly. The sense of values changes from person to person, but who’s behind the mask? The verification of our futile lives is our recurring problem.