Tiny Star

Hello and welcome to my otome game page !! This is where I basically sum up my thoughts on all the otoges I've ever played :D Won't be spoiler free so please proceed with caution if you plan on playing any of the games here !!

  1. Amnesia: Memories
  2. Collar x Malice
  3. Hatoful Boyfriend
  4. Moon Observatory Ciel
  5. Moon Observatory Anholly
  6. Moon Observatory Iris
  7. Piofiore: Fated Memories
  8. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
  9. Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk

[9/10] My second big name otome game :] To be honest I went into this game not knowing what to expect from the love interests, but I definitely ended up liking them all a lot more I thought I would (especially Kent and Ikki . . .) The gameplay was definitely a little scary (what do you mean I have a suspicion and trust meter. what) at first though I do think it was kinda cool and fun to figure out how to respond to each character. Like I'm not usually a self insert type when playing these types of games but it helped me to kinda get into the heroines shoes (she's my wife btw. shes literally soooo cute I wish she had a canon name tho . sigh) I think Orion was a really fun sidekick / helper character as well he's kinda like my son :] His comments and genuine concern for the heroine was so sweet and I just really liked his dialogue and personality. Anyways. super awesome game and while it is a bit hard to get certain endings without a guide I would recommend it highly :]

Currently Playing

  • Lovebrush
  • Jack Jeanne



  • CxM Unlimited
  • Episodio 1926
  • Later x Crowd
  • Code: Realize
  • Norn9
  • Virche Evermore
  • From Madness with Love
  • Variable Barricade
  • Ozmafia!!
  • 7'scarlet
  • Cinderella Phenomenom
  • Charade Maniacs
  • even if TEMPEST
  • Olympia Soiree
  • Lover Pretend
  • Sympathy Kiss
  • Nameless
  • Nightshade
  • Hakuoki
  • London Detective Mysteria
  • Radiant Tale
  • Bustafellows
  • Wishlist

  • 9RIP
  • Hanakare
  • Dairoku
  • DesperaDrops
  • Dandelion
  • Winter's Wish
  • Paradigm Paradox
  • Spiral Memoria
  • Tengoku Struggle
  • To engrave deeply in your heart; the endless future we’ll spend together, I’ll believe in love, and that prayer will play a melody. I’ll go into the distant unknown, in order to meet with you once again. Your smile is the one thing I’ll protect until the end!